See what students, parents, and teachers say about us!
"Through opportunity X students often saw themselves as scientists and were able to research something that they're interested in and practice presenting information using evidence based reasoning. Opportunity X science club really pulls out students prior knowledge and what they're currently learning to reinforce those science content standards.​ It helps them to identify as somebody who can do science as a career."
~ Ms. Kendall Bell, Science Teacher @ River Glen
"I really enjoyed the teachers they were all really nice and really kind they were really open to questions and I liked how they went step-by-step. I also enjoyed all the fun projects we got to do and learn a thing or two every single day."
~ Alina, Engineering Bootcamp
"It was a pleasure to know from you, kids were so appreciative and amazed with your zoom classes. I had no opportunity to meet you but you are the people who seeds motivation in kids, and later in a close future, the life of many kids will be impacted for generations."
~ Abi and Meg (Ed and Amy's parents)
"I would like to thank you and rest of the Opportunity X team for coordinating these sessions. Everything was thoroughly organized. My son loved these sessions and we appreciate the hard work you guys put into all the details."
~ Sukhdeep (a parent)
"Thank your so much for having me it was fun enjoyable,and educational!"
~ Samantha
"Opportunity X taught me that we can do simple science projects from the comfort of our own home. We can also learn a lot from just those projects. Opportunity X teaches me a lot."
~ Santiago Lopez, Ave Crux Program
"Opportunity X, especially during the pandemic, gives us a chance to learn more things than we’re taught in science class at school. And they make it fun. The teachers know what they’re doing, and they help us with whatever we need help with."
~ Catalina Lopez, Ave Crux Program
"Yay!!! The kids are excited!! Had to tell you! My child did a “YES” with his arm and everything!!"
~ Email from an Ave Crux Parent about the program continuing for a second semester
"Opportunity X has helped me learning more about how plants work and how their growth can be affected."
~ Jorge Guhe, Student @ River Glen
"Opportunity X made me open my eyes and realize science isn't just about nature and it’s about stuff around you."
~ Ben Lee, Student @River Glen
"My favorite part is going up on stage during the Synopsys award ceremony and the judges pronouncing my name and then everybody clap for me because of the hard work my partner and I did. Opportunity X helped me develop more strategies on how to solve the problems in science."
~ Ashukem Adrienne Taku, Student @ River Glen
"Working with both Cynthia and Adishree was an amazing experience. With their guidance, my science fair project (Engineering a Better Way to Learn) was accepted and presented at the Synopsys science fair in March 2018. Opportunity X's philosophy inspired me to both continue exploring science and technology and share that with others."
~ Nathaniel Johnson, Student @ KIPP Heartwood
"We are so happy that our son was able to participate in the Opportunity X after school program last year. He really enjoyed doing the science experiments and working with the instructors. This program encouraged him to create his own science project and he participated in last year's county science fair. Opportunity X gave him the information and opportunity to explore more science experiments and meet other like-minded people. We would strongly recommend Opportunity X to any student interested in or curious about science."
~ KIPP Heartwood Parent
“I really liked the Opportunity X program. The best part was building the solar cooker - I learned that we could actually cook water with the sun!”
~ KIPP Heartwood Student
“My experience working with Opportunity X was really positive! There were a lot of opportunities for students to engage with different types of science that aren’t necessarily in our normal curriculum. Being able to see the students doing different types of labs and using different types of lab materials was really cool. I think the students learned a lot about the scientific method. I think the biggest thing that students learned was how to make a hypothesis and how to do a procedure, do a lab, collect the results and see the process from A to Z.”
~ Ms. Jasmine Pournavab, Science Teacher @ KIPP Heartwood
“We’re very grateful that Opportunity X was introduced here at KIPP Heartwood. I think that Opportunity X is providing content and exposure to material that a lot of kids would not be exposed to otherwise. Having the demographics that we serve, I think that the kids are going to get the most out of a program like this.”
~ Mr. Hector de Santiago Operations, Manager @ KIPP Heartwood
Broadcom MASTERS Information Session​:
(Testimonials by students and parents who attended the session)
"I really got to know more about Broadcom and Finals week and tips for applying. I'm really excited to apply and I'm very interested in the competition."
~ Student
"I thought that the information that Opportunity X supplied us enabled us to have more insight on how to go about filling out the application, going through the entire process, and the experiences people get out of the program. I liked that they they were able to relate each step of the competition to their personal experiences and based on that, they were able to explain everything very well so we all could appreciate this competition. I learned a plentiful amount about the Broadcom Masters, and specifically, I obtained more information regarding the application itself."
~ Anushka Sanyal, Student
"It was good, since it provided a thorough summary of the application and the competition. I learned a lot about the application and the competition itself."
~ Akshay Manglik, Student
"Nicely structured. Glad that we attended - got a lot of information about the awards and how to apply for it."
~ Sunil Dixit, Parent
​"I liked how you related back and forth between your tips for Broadcom, and your experience at it."
~ Student