KIPP Heartwood Middle School September 2017 - May 2018
At our pilot program, KIPP Heartwood Academy in East San Jose, we led a weekly after school enrichment where we came together with students every Tuesday to build upon students' scientific curiosity and perform scientific experiments. Throughout the entire year, we led 15 students in conducting their own research projects. While KIPP had never sent any students to the Synopsys Championship Science Fair, this year, we were able to mentor and guide a student who participated in the Synopsys fair. He designed and developed an app that individualizes learning to each user, and used the other students as human feedback for his project.
In addition, we did several awesome experiments, like filtering dirty water into significantly clearer water using simple cheap methods, harnessing the power of the sun with just tape and a box to heat water, and modeling the solar system. Overall, the students were able to expand their scientific horizons and discover STEM subjects that interested them.
Photos from KIPP Heartwood 2017-2018 (scroll for more):
See more photos of KIPP Heartwood 2017-2018 here.