We partner with middle schools with underrepresented students. We start research programs (provided cost-free) at these schools to educate students about STEM and guide them through the entire research process.
Through our school programs and workshops, we guide our students through their own research projects, which they present at our annual Opportunity X Science Fair.
At each school program, we hold weekly after-school research workshops, where we lead fun experiments and teach our students the fundamentals of conducting research.

"My favorite part is going up on stage during the Synopsys award ceremony and the judges pronouncing my name and then everybody clap for me because of the hard work my partner and I did. Opportunity X helped me develop more strategies on how to solve the problems in science."
- Ashukem Adrienne Taku
Student @ River Glen
See more testimonials from students, parents, and educators!
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Email us at main.opportunityx@gmail.com!
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Donate to Opportunity X! All donations go towards supporting our research programs.